Sunday 21 March 2010

Progress so far

I am creating a production campaign for the movie ‘Locked Away’ this campaign consists of a movie trailer which we have now filmed and are into the editing stage. A radio advertisement which we intend to record next week and have all of the pre-production sorted for. A magazine front cover which I have practised creating and have researched similar projects. And the home page of a website which like the magazine cover I have practised and examined similar projects. I also have a number of images taken throughout the filming of our trailer which I can use in both the website and the magazine cover.

I think as far as developing my understanding about these media forms, I have learned more about magazine front covers and the importance of their layouts then the other media forms. I decided early in the production that I would make a cover of ‘sight and sound’ which is a magazine about films and containing mainly film reviews. From what I can gather there isn’t really much of a consistency with the image on sight and sounds’ cover. Whereas other magazines such as Empire consist manly of action poses from the leading character, sight and sound has a much wider range. Were this dose give me free roam with the image it doesn’t help me in deciding what sort of image would be appropriate for the cover. In comparison my understanding behind movie trailers hasn’t increased as much from last year. Although we were producing an open scene last year rather than a trailer, both try to achieve the same thing which is draw the audience in and make them ether go see the movie or stay and watch it. However something I have learnt more about within the pre-production stage of our trailer are the rules which all movie trailers have to abide by. Although these rules are mostly for television and film trailers and ours is a viral campaign (online) we chose to use these rules as a guideline for our production.

As far as websites are concerned I tend to treat them in the same way I do magazine covers. They have similar codes and conventions to ultimately achieve the same goal. It might be argued that website homepages are simply online magazine covers. However my website would be for fans of the film and therefore will have to be laid out differently then the magazine covers which is much more academic and for people who enjoy watching a whole range of films rather than one type in particular. Finally as the radio advert. This is something which is becoming increasingly rare in modern society. Radio advertisements mainly consist of companies and products but very rarely are they for films, at least not in the way we have decided to produce. The kind of advertisement done on radio these days is called ‘below the line’ advertisements, the kind which doesn’t cost the company any money to produce. For example an interview with the star of the movie is becoming an increasingly popular form of advertisement.

As far as our production is concerned we have produced a completely new target audience based around the target audiences of similar productions. I believe initially the target audience for a movie is a specific person/group of people who have certain traits and behave in certain ways. However the good thing about advertisement campaigns is they aren’t initially targeted at that one person/group of people, instead they are much broader so they attract people who aren’t exactly there target audience but have similar traits to them.

Fortunately for me the other members of my group are much more organised then I am which means we have managed our time very well. However I am slightly worried that we are running short on time in lesson to do any more pre-production. My independent work seems to be taking something of a back seat to the group work as it will take me much less time to do. In listen at the moment my time is taken up by the editing of our production so I will have to spend some time in the learning gateway in order to get the production of my other pieces finished by the deadline. The hardest part of the pre-production so far is properly the sheer amount to do. Although I and the rest of my group have managed to achieve allot and have finished all of the essential pre-production steps there is still more we need to do.

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