Monday 23 November 2009

Book References

The following is information on books which I have read to further my media productions. Along with information on how they have aided me.

Title: Research for media productions, 2nd edition
Author: Kathy Chater
Published: 2002
Passage: Pg110 - Pg113

Last year my group and I had many problems with the initial research behind our piece. I believe this in turn led to poor planning and ultimately had a negative effect on the end product. This is why this book caught my eye. However it turned out that this book didn't give me much additional information about researching. However when I read though the nook this passage did catch my eye. No one in my group last year was very confident in writing of the script had to be more of a group job and tore people away from other jobs which needed doing. However this particular passage is all about script writing and would help anyone write a decent script whilst letting everyone else can carry out there tasks.

Title: Guerrilla TV
Author: Ian Lewis
Published: 2000
Passage: Pg 96 - pg 106

As I earlier pointed out I was looking for some help with the researching of our product in order to avoid some of the problems which accrued last year. In this book and this passage in particular I found a lot of useful advise on the research and general pre-production of this years product. Including things such as search strategies and how to get the most accurate results from online searches.

Title: The television genre book
Author: Glen Creeber
Published: 2001
Passage: Pg 89 - pg 91

When I first saw this book I had hoped it will give me a better understanding on how to achieve the intended results from my production. However reading though it I discovered that there wasn't a single mention of thriller movies which is the genre which my production is based around. However I did notice this passage which is entitled "Music on television" I thought that this passage might help me to understand better the effects certain pieces of music have on a media piece. Although we did include music in our production last year we possibly didn't select the best possible musical extracts to use and I hope not to repeat that this year.

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